John Doe personal trainer in TOWN

Coach Jeremy Letkey

Owner | Head Coach

I found my love for fitness training about 10 years ago. Now I have thousands of hours of

coaching experience and several certifications in group fitness, Olympic weightlifting and

personal training. I truly love cultivating confidence in our newest members. Seeing someone

accomplish something that they didn’t think they could do is amazing.

John Doe personal trainer in TOWN

Coach Cody Ksioszki

I am an avid lover of fitness and fun, and that’s why I coach! I believe in hard work and always

trying to be better. When I’m not at the gym, I am teaching, watching my son play soccer, or

playing with my family.

John Doe personal trainer in TOWN
John Doe personal trainer in TOWN

Coach Alex Carrillo

I have had a passion for fitness my whole life. Likely from playing many different sports growing

up. I love being able to help people reach their goals and watching them progress from week to

week. When I’m not working out I am teaching, golfing or just spending time outdoors.

John Doe personal trainer in TOWN

Coach Stoch Skorownski

During my teenage years, I faced struggles with my weight that presented many challenges.

However, my involvement in the fitness industry has enabled me to support others in

overcoming their own fitness obstacles, ensuring they do not have to face them alone.

Witnessing individuals achieve their fitness goals serves as a source of motivation for me to

continue progressing towards my own.

John Doe personal trainer in TOWN
CrossFit in Lake Villa IL

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